In Kotlin, a companion object is a way to define members (methods and variables) that are tied to a class rather than instances of it. This is similar to the static methods and fields in Java, but with more flexibility and capabilities. Here's a breakdown of how companion objects are used and their features:

Basics of Companion Objects

Use Cases

  1. Singleton Patterns and Factory Methods: If you need a method to create instances of a class (factory method), you can define it in a companion object. This is especially useful when you want to control the creation process, such as enforcing certain conditions or reusing instances.

  2. Constants: Constants that are related to a class, but not to instances of the class, can be defined inside a companion object. This is common for defining intent extra keys in Android or similar identifiers.

  3. Utility Functions: When you have utility functions that should be accessible without creating an instance of a class but are closely related to the class's functionality, defining them in a companion object is a good approach.


class MyClass {
    companion object {
        const val CONSTANT = "ConstantValue"

        fun createInstance(): MyClass {
            // Perform initialization or checks here
            return MyClass()

// Accessing the companion object members
val instance = MyClass.createInstance()

In this example, CONSTANT is a constant related to MyClass but not tied to any particular instance of MyClass, making it a good candidate for being placed in a companion object. Similarly, createInstance is a factory method that can be called without an existing instance of MyClass, illustrating another common use case for companion objects.

Advantages Over Java Static Methods

Kotlin's companion objects offer several advantages over Java's static methods:

In summary, companion objects in Kotlin serve as a versatile tool for defining static-like members, with the added benefits of interface implementation and extension support, making them a powerful feature for Kotlin developers.